Block Facebook On Your Computer With FB Limiter


There are various ways to block a website on your system. Those who are regular reader of this blog know all those easy ways. In this post i am going to show you how you can block Facebook in the system with the help of a tool.

FB Limiter is a windows tool which can be used to block Facebook and YouTube on a computer. This software is available in free and paid version. Free version of the tool only allow users to block Facebook and YouTube on the system. While paid version also allow users to block for some specific interval of time. 

So paid users can restrict Facebook access on the system for some specific time period only.

Interesting part of this tool is "Total Lock Feature." This feature allows users to block Facebook and YouTube for some specific time period. But you will not be able to unblock websites in any case. You only be able to access Facebook after that time period. You can use this feature in examination period when you strictly do not want to use Facebook.

There is one advantage of using this tool. This is a password protected tool and requires authentication before unblock Facebook. So, other users will not be able to unblock website even if they know that you are blocking websites with the help of FB Limiter.

This software is compatible with windows xp service pack 2 and later.

Download It from Here

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