Pick color Hex codes from Website to Clipboard in Chrome


Sometimes we see a website with attractive theme and nice color scheme and wish to have same set of colors for our web projects. But it is hard to guess exactly same color as we do not know the hash code of colors used in that website. For such cases, we wish to have a color picker that makes our work easy. For chrome users, there is a nice extension; Accupix is available which adds a color picker tool on the chrome. This color picker allows users to identify and copy the color of the website on your screen through a zoomed in preview of an image area and a virtual dropper.

This dropper tool allows users to select and copy color of any part of the website. When user puts this dropper to any part of the website, it copies the hex value of the color to clipboard. This extension also supports some shortcuts to make the work easy.

These are the keyboard shortcuts
  • ·         Ctrl+Mouse - down to Zoom In preview
  • ·         Ctrl+Shift+Mouse - down to Zoom out Preview
  • ·         Arrow - move the cursor to precisely match the required pixel
  • ·         Enter - picks the pixel
  • ·         Esc - closes the picker

When you install this extension in your chrome browser, it adds a button in Chrome's tool bar. Clicking on this button will show a preview box, which can be dragged around the web page to retrieve HEX codes of anything that comes below the preview box. To copy the HEX value of the color on clipboard, click on that part of the website. You may also hit Enter to pick particular pixels, or use Esc to close the picker.

This is really a nice tool for web designer who want to know the exact color of other website to use in their web projects. This nice Google Chrome tool quickly lets them grab HEX and RGB codes for any color on any website.

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